Thursday, July 4, 2013

Stability Training

Stage 1: Stable 1
This stage is to get to know the difference between stability and mobility – any and all questions the client has, must be answered here.
Make sure the client has a full understanding of what he/she is about to start doing.
Both feet and/or hands on a stable surface.
This should be seen as the phase of correct recruitment, correct activation and implementing of the correct firing patterns.
Also – differentiation and dissociation should be mastered in this stage as to move on to the next stage.

Stage 2: Stable 2
Both feet and/or hands on a stable surface.

Stage 3: Unstable 1
Both feet and/or hands on an unstable surface.

Stage 4: External Forces & Perturbations
These should be applied firstly to Stage 1 and then progressed through Stage 2 and Stage 3.
Therapist/Trainer starts applying pressure on various areas and in different directions as to upset the stability of the client.
Also, elastics may be used to gently pull in different directions at various points to upset the stability of the client.

Stage 5: Activities
Catching, Throwing, Hitting and Kicking Activities
Start in Stage 2 and progress through to Stage 3 and Stage 4

Stage 6: Stable 3
One foot and/or hand on a stable surface

Stage 7: Unstable 2
One foot and/or hand on an unstable surface

Stage 8: External Forces & Perturbations
These should be applied firstly to Stage 6 and then progressed through Stage 7.
Therapist/Trainer starts applying pressure on various areas and in different directions as to upset the stability of the client.
Also, elastics may be used to gently pull in different directions at various points to upset the stability of the client.

Stage 9
Catching, Throwing, Hitting and Kicking Activities
Start in Stage 6 and progress through to Stage 7 and Stage 8

In Supine:
TA Activation
Pelvic Mobility – Posterior & Anterior Tilt
Glut-Hamstring-Lower Back Firing Pattern
Segmental Bridging
Dead Bug and its Progressions
Double Leg Bridges
Double Leg Bridges with Sideways Walk
Single Leg Bridges
Single Leg Bridges with Straight Leg Movement
Single Leg Bridges with Hip Rotation
Single Leg Bridges with Straight Leg Fly
Double Leg Supine Plank
Single Leg Supine Plank
Reformer Work

In Side-Lying:
Thoracic Rotations
GlutMed Activation
Burn-Outs at 45 degrees
Side Plank
Side Plank with Clam
Single Leg Side Plank
Single Leg Side Plank with Burn-Out
Single Leg Side Plank with Burn-Out at 45 degrees

In Prone:
Rhomboids, Lats, Trapezius Activation
Serratus Push-Ups
Multifidi Activation
Glut Activation
Glut-Hamstring-Lower Back Firing Pattern
Dissociation between Lumbar Extension bmo Lumbar Mobilisers and Hip Extension bmo Gluts and some Adductors
Plank – Elbow
Plank - Hands
One arm or One Leg Plank
Superman Plank

In Four Point Kneeling:
Thoracic Mobs
Hip Extensions
Clam/Hip Extension Combo
GlutMed Swivels
Single Leg GlutMed Swivels
Same-Side Superman

In Sitting:
All the Different Activations
Scapula Setting
Pelvis Mobility – Posterior and Anterior Tilt
Weight Shifting
Lifting One Leg and Weight Shifting
Stand Up/Sit Down
Stand Up/Sit Down – Single Leg

In Standing:
Single Leg Balance
Wall Squats
Single Leg Wall Squats
Single Leg Squats
Step Ups/Step Downs
Golfer’s PickUp
March/Golfer’s PickUp Combo
747 with Thoracic Twists
747 with YTWL